What did we do in this month? Let's find out!
Company name, logo and slogan has been changed. → Will be changed again due to FBS and TBS games. Opening Times for the company is under development.
Auto-Reply bot will be taken to the server.
Update V1.4, Hotfix 1.4.1 and Hotfix 1.4.2 has been released.
New channels on the server:
📮Contest Votes
Off-topic Channels on every languages
🎮Games → Choose which games are you playing?
📌Role-Rank Informations → Will be updated soon!
Applying System under development: German translation needed.
Website: Under Development → Full new look, more interactionable buttons, more pages, and so on. More information on Trello ↓ https://trello.com/b/e7ggmyLJ/frl-website
Website V2 Release Date: TBA.
ECitaro Line Tests: Start automatically after eCitaro release! We need some testers!
ECitaro Operation Time Tests: Starts automatically after eCitaro release! We need some testers!
Update V1.5 will be released soon.
RTRR - Module 1. (HUN) almost done, just testing needed and some design reworks.
Driver's App: Under Translating to German.
Rules and Sanctions: Under Translating.
RTRR - Module 2. (HUN) Under Rework.
RTRR - Module 1. (ENG) Under Development.
Every line will get a new timetable until V2 as planned. If this can't be done, we'll delay the V3 Timetables and Schedulings and they will released in V4.
Every Update will have a picture at it's Changelog on the Website from now.
Theoretical Driving: Test is under conversation.
Website: New button layout for Pages can't be added at the moment due to new visitors.
Website: Every new line that'll be added to the OP. will be seen on the website after release.
Website: Every Driver and Trainee will have access to the Theoretical Driving Page. → Restricted Access for Company Members only!
Website's version number: V1