This month was really hard for everyone because of the starting of school, everyone needs to wake up earlier than the break before the school, and there are the backpacks which is have some weight. We hope your school things are going great! But, anyway, let's check out the monthly changelog. What has been added? What has been changed? What happened in this month? Let's find out!
Driver's App has got an On-Server-Logging System which is ready to work.
Driver's App Test Phase of Mobile Version has been ended.
Driver's App Test Phase of Tablet Version has been started.
Hungarian category has got the Shift and End-Shift channel.
Improved Timetables V2 is under development.
Renumbered Lines V2 is under development.
There are no shifts at the moment.
Latest Beta Update has been released and available for testing.
Server channel name fixes.
Voice channels on the server has got exact name.
Build number for Updates has been decided and we'll add for every update a build number.
Company YouTube Channel uploaded videos are posted on the server.
Dbus World channel has been deleted from the server due to not enough free times.
Website's version number: V1